As 2022 draws to a close, we’d like to remember the dear friends and family members who crossed Rainbow Bridge this year. Some dogs we have known all of our lives, while others we were just beginning to know. Many we never met in person, but yet by welcoming us into your lives through your posts and comments we have come to consider dear friends. And yes, some were cats who we were honored to call friends, as well as other animals. So today we honor and thank them for leaving paw prints on our heart.
Daddy Eclipse, who was my father and Asa’s grandfather, left us this year at the wonderful age of 17, and yet that hardly feels long enough for all the love he brought into this world. Eclipse’s legacy will live on for generations, and will be fondly remembered by all who had the honor of spending time with him, especially his great-grandpup and best friend, Freedom. Our friend Sijan said goodbye to his great-grandmother, Mercy. Seven was Seamus’ daddy and brother to Finnegan, and a true blessing to all that knew him. May these families each take comfort knowing their loved ones will live on in the hearts of many.
Josh, your Dad may have thought he was helping another foster dog find a new home, but you knew right away that “It Was Meant To Be.” Your Dad even penned a beautiful poem about this decision. Affectionately known as “Goombah” by so many friends, you were reunited with your sister Nala over the Bridge. Little did you realize though that not long afterwards your friend Putter would also be joining you. Josh called Texas home, and so did our honorary little brother Yoshi. They say, “everything is bigger in Texas,” so that must explain why such a little dog had such a big heart. Outlaw was known as a “Texas Fluffball” when his family spotted him online. Two months later Outlaw found a safe harbor here in New England with his rescue family. Or did Outlaw rescue them? Outlaw enjoyed exploring New England, especially Camden, Maine. We will forever think of the bear sculpture at the Kennebunk rest area as “Outlaw’s Bear.” Jackson began his life in Maine, then explored California for awhile, before settling back in Maine.
Copper Lou joined her family as a shy rescue pup, but grew brave with the encouragement of sister Darbi Jo. However adventures just weren’t the same without Darbi Jo, and just 5 months after her crossing Copper Lou was by her side again. Companion dogs Baxter (15) and Ben (16), who both came to their family as rescues with very different backgrounds, decided they wanted to cross Rainbow Bridge together. Proving despite their “grumpy rivalry,” they were the best of friends. Brothers Luca and Dante both bravely fought cancer, and crossed within a month of each other.
Millie “raised 2 parents, 1 child, and 3 siblings” before crossing the Bridge at 12.5 years old. Joining Millie on this grand adventure was Copper, the “best big brother.” Shilo went by many names and titles, but they all meant love. After healing her family’s broken heart, Gypsy crossed Rainbow Bridge at the age of 13. While Lucie spent 15 years making her Mom smile. Honey Marie sent a puppy to heal her Mom’s broken heart, after their many years together. Morgan was approximately a year old when his dads rescued him after a rocky start in life, which included aggression issues. However through love, Morgan’s sweet nature came shining through. He went on to spend 14 years with his forever family, and even became a celebrity in his own right at Cape Cod. According to his Mom, Max “always made sure to lead the way even when he didn’t know where we were going.” Max celebrated one last amazing week with his family, enjoying all his favorite things before saying goodbye at the tender age of 6.
Ru celebrated her 12th birthday then crossed Rainbow Bridge wearing her tiara, and was greeted by sister Bella. Together they are rehearsing for when the band gets back together again. Daisy also celebrated her 15th birthday in style, then quietly crossed Rainbow Bridge seven days later. Callie was just shy of 14 when her brave battle against cancer ended. Her Mom said, “It was always Christmas with Callie around.” Speaking of Christmas, our buddy Beau chose under his family’s Christmas tree as his spot to close his eyes. That was always Beau’s favorite place in the house this time of year. Another dear friend, Chance, hoped to greet Santa one more time with sister Shelby, but instead celebrated with angels Dankeschoen, Yoda and Libbles.
The world’s oldest dog, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Pebbles, a Toy Fox Terrier, died at 22 years old in 2022! Sadly Mellow Yellow, AKA Colonel Mustard, crossed before ever leaving the whelping box. Apollo left his family far too soon at 4 years of age. Winston was just shy of his 2nd birthday, but brought many smiles to his coworkers and community as the Amherst, Massachusetts Police Department’s comfort dog.
Our dear friend, Tucker, also brought countless smiles as a certified therapy dog, and was a proud Hero in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study (GRLS). Tucker was one of our first friends on social media, and we’ll forever hold his simple message to be kind close to our hearts, while we smile thinking of the many wonderful costumes he wore over the years, while patiently posing for photos with his brother Skipper. Maya also shared her smile as a therapy dog. After a school shooting she provided soft fur to dry tears, while showing there was still love in this world. Although not a certified therapy dog, Precious put many people at ease, including our parents, while her Dad worked on their taxes. Bailey also brought 15.5 years of smiles as a therapy dog to those who needed a friend.
Military Working Dog / Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dog, Bleck faithfully served our country for 9 years in Afghanistan, and enjoyed his retirement years with his adopted Mom thanks to the work of Mission K9 Rescue. Bleck loved his squeaky toys, and was the sweetest boy. USCG K9 Evy served 8 years as an explosives detection dog before retiring. She crossed Rainbow Bridge at 15.5 years old. In his 10 year career with the Massachusetts State Police, K9 Grim helped on many high profile cases, including the Boston Marathon Bombing, before retiring. K9 Hunter was named by the elementary students in the town of Springfield, Massachusetts, where he served before retirement. K9 Shadow, with the Plaistow, New Hampshire Police Department, end of watch came suddenly at the age of 6 years old with a case of bloat. Sadly some working dogs did not have the opportunity to retire. K9 Maya (West Jordan PD), K9 Drago (Floyd County Sheriff’s Dept), and K9 Frankie (MA State Police) were all killed in the line of duty. We thank these brave dogs for their service.
Other dogs were on a mission to make the world a better place in their own special way. Riley never let life’s challenges with his health prevent him from helping to organize Dewy’s Golden Jubilee, which raised money for the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study (GRLS). You may not recognize his name, but I’m sure you are familiar with Lucas, who was featured in the iconic painting, “Golden Retriever at the Museum,” which depicted a dog looking at a painting of a tennis ball. Lucas’ Dad, Tom Mosser, also supported the GRLS, by donating proceeds from the sales of his paintings in his memory. Another artist who you may be familiar with John Rasmussen, whose cartoons of pets crossing Rainbow Bridge bring comfort to so many, sent his beloved cat Gizmo to be greeted by Jack this year. Maggie’s “foldy mouth” smile posed in front of flowers, or “floofs” as she called them, brought smiles each day. Maggie’s profile said she was on a mission “to spread happiness and love.” Mission accomplished Maggie! On the day she crossed, #FlowersForMaggie was trending around the world. General Biscuit was also on a mission as second in command of the Zombie Squad. We can all rest easy knowing she’s patrolling Rainbow Bridge for zombies, but we’d also like everyone here to remember her motto of “If you’re happy wag your tail, wag it often, share your happiness.” Diggy just wanted to celebrate all that it meant to be a dog and bring positivity to your day through Celebration of Dogs. Thank you Diggy for bringing so much joy to the world on your social media account.
And yes, sadly dear cat friends also crossed Rainbow Bridge in 2022. Stormie, found after a tornado, was a calming presence watching over her Mom as she worked. Panther Kit Kat was also a constant companion to his Mom, but missed his canine brother Angel Linus, so joined him in welcoming new pets who cross the Bridge. Speaking of greetings, Angel Tanah was there to greet Bono when he crossed. And here on earth, Victor’s presence will be missed by the tourists he greeted each summer. Riley the Fun Loving Torbie out lived her vet’s “best case scenario” by 2.5 years, and enjoyed every moment of life. Sadly kitten Gus Gus crossed Rainbow Bridge just as life was starting, but sent a rainbow to let his family know he arrived safely.
We owe Pye, the Guinea Pig, Esq. a great deal of gratitude for being our lawyer. Despite her small stature, she was a big presence in our lives, and represented us in even the most outlandish of cases, only asking for romaine lettuce and blueberries in exchange for her legal services. Dogs everywhere thank Pye for her expert advice. We credit Diablo the Donkey, along with Angel Tiny the Goat, for teaching Asa to love every animal he meets. We remember how Asa insisted we say goodbye to you before he left on his grand adventure to come home with us. Willy Bird spent 30 years with his owner. He soared over Rainbow Bridge with his favorite toy, a Beanie Baby monkey. Cracker the Beta Fish, and Billy the Fish also crossed Rainbow Bridge in their special ways, and are now swimming to their heart’s content.
In addition to Daddy Eclipse, we said goodbye to many close family members. My sister Saffy crossed Rainbow Bridge, and is no doubt covered in mud while enjoying an entire cake. She always told me, “do as I say, not as I do,” but boy did I want to have as much fun as her! Sadly my brother, Bay, AKA Mr. Blue when Saffy and I knew him, also crossed sometime before his 10th birthday. And dear Trillium, our Mom will forever treasure the email to Lemmy announcing your arrival. Momma Butter was so full of hope and promise for you, which was quickly replaced by concern by your mischievous deeds. But you grew into a wise auntie, that Butter was proud of as you watched over each new litter of puppies. Ok, so you never did outgrow your mischievous side, and winter just won’t be the same without you covering the younger pups in snow! I admit though, I still do wonder if you were part woolly mammoth with that beautiful thick coat of yours.
Lulu, thank you for guiding Asa and myself into the exciting work of being office dogs. We are forever grateful that you brought our Dad home to us to work. We promise to look after your Dad for you. Erynn, we can’t thank you enough for the life lessons you taught us, about living life to the fullest despite the health challenges you faced. Your indomitable spirit touched hearts around the world. Erynn, please keep sending your Mom those rainbows to let her know you’re watching over her. Roxie, you also taught us the power of love as your Mom’s constant companion for 16.5 years. As a shelter pup smuggled into a dorm, you have been by your Mom’s side for countless milestones, and we know will continue to watch over your loving family. Your final request for donations to the shelter that you were adopted from will help make a brighter future for many animals. Branden, you opened a whole new world of adventures to us! From Canada to South America, you were the most well traveled pup we ever knew, and along the way you shared your vast knowledge of history on your virtual adventures. Speaking of adventures, Finn had a very unplanned one when he was dognapped when the car he waiting in was stolen! We were so glad you were safely reunited with your Dad after that scare, but sad that cancer took you far too soon.
As a puppy, Hero Kaly of the GRLS was only given 18 months to live. Well she showed those vets they underestimated her, because she crossed Rainbow Bridge with tail wagging at 8 years old! Zeke must have known his Dad would need a friend, so helped introduce Jack to the family before his brave battle ended. And Daraby made sure little brother Irving was back with their family before she crossed Rainbow Bridge. Sadly though some friends left without warning, including Sally Anne and Cotton. Gritty, in true Mainer style, did not want to make a fuss, and quietly crossed Rainbow Bridge in the night. Voodoo’s brave battle against seizures also ended suddenly, leaving friends around the world heartbroken. Tucker quietly crossed Rainbow Bridge while sister Lexi slept, but sent a cardinal to let his family know he arrived safely. Whereas Connor Blue left for his next grand adventure surrounded by his loving family. Axle’s grand adventure over Rainbow Bridge started after only 9 wonderful years here. And Gertie, the best wrestling partner to Lucy and Liffey, crossed suddenly to be with cousin Angle Pippi.
We lost so many dear friends this year, that it is impossible to include them all in one post. However, to everyone who experienced a loss, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you dear friends for sharing your adventures with us, we’ll always treasure your paw prints on our hearts.

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