Still looking for a New Year’s Resolution that’s fun, yet challenging? Already gave up on the resolution you did choose? We double dog dare you to take our photography challenge! Ever since we were puppies, Mom takes a photo of us every day. Now I know what you’re thinking, “How hard is that? I already take a million photos of my dog every day.” We dare you to get a new perspective in 2023! Challenge yourself to find new ways to capture the moments of your dog’s life from the simple and mundane, to the grand and memorable. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to accept this challenge. No need for fancy cameras or perfect lighting. Just a love for your dog and the motivation to document their life for 365 days…or 355 days, sorry for the delay in posting our challenge!
Here are a few photo tips to get you motivated:
Get down on our level. Sit on the floor, lay on your belly. Get a new perspective looking up at you dog instead of down. Take photos from all angles, front, back, side.
Snap a photo when least expected. Don’t always ask for your pup to pose. When posing though, make it fun by offering treats.
Capture those quirks that make your dog unique. Favorite toys, silly expressions, unusual places to take a nap, a fun trick they’ve mastered.
Be creative! A picture is worth a thousand words. Use your photos to tell a story.
Pay attention to the background. Is there something to enhance the photo? Is there something that’s distracting?
We’re outside in all sorts of weather, but most photos lead you to believe it is all sunshine and rainbows. Capture those not so perfect days too!
And photos don’t always need to be done during the day. Early morning, late at night, midnight wakeup calls, are all great opportunities to photograph your dog. Experiment with the different natural lighting during the course of a day. Just remember when the flash is needed, please limit the photos so as not to annoy us.
The eyes are the window to the soul, so capture those eyes! Happy, sleepy, begging for snacks, even those occasional eye rolls when we’ve had enough of you snapping our pictures and just want to play.
Which reminds me, make it fun! Don’t always try to capture the perfect moment. Some of our favorite photos are bloopers!
Once the year is over, here’s the best part. Turn all those photos into a photo album! There are many online options for digital photos. Some you can design yourself, others they’ll happily autofill it for you. Or make it a hands-on project by printing your favorites and turning it in to a one of a kind scrapbook. Either way, you’ll have a wonderful record of your dog for 2023. And if you make it a tradition like we do, over time you’ll have an awesome collection of photo albums documenting your pup’s life.