Prefetch Miscommunication

Being an office dog is hard work, especially when your coworker insists on using a term that can easily be confused with our favorite game.  Due to Dad’s inability to communicate effectively, balls or any toy that can be used like a ball are now banned from the office.  Now before you go jumping to conclusions, this has nothing to do with Asa or myself misbehaving.  This is all Dad’s fault!  For his job he frequently uses the term “prefetch.”  Asa and I, who everyone knows can’t resist a good game of fetch, immediately ignore the “pre” part and grab the nearest ball to play.  We’ve even been known to jump up from a sound sleep for this spontaneous game of fetch.  Yet every time Dad tells us “no” and goes right on working, while repeatedly using the term prefetch with his coworkers.

This obviously adds to our confusion, so we become more insistent that we are ready to play.  I’ll nudge Dad’s hands off the keyboard, and if that doesn’t work I’ll launch myself onto his lap with a ball in my mouth.  Simultaneously Asa will circle by the door, letting out little growls and yelps of anticipation mixed with joy.  We’d bark, but it is hard to do that with a ball in your mouth.  Yet despite our efforts, Dad will try to ignore us and continue working.  Once he even explained to us what “prefetch” means.  But let’s face it we’re dogs and have no interest in that computer mumbo-jumbo.  Seriously, what could be more important than playing fetch?

In case you’re wondering, his coworkers are on our side.  They take great delight in our actions by cheering us on to play.  They can hear the excitement building in the office, and will find ways to try to get Dad to say the term more.  Or if they are on a video chat, they will say “prefetch” really loud in the hopes of seeing one of us appear on screen next to Dad with our ball ready to play.  Once Dad’s supervisor told him to stop teasing us, and go out to play.  Ok, so he may not have been sincere in that offer because he knew that day there was a nor’easter raging outside.  But regardless of the weather, indoor fetch is always an option!

Alas, my beloved bacon scented squeaky balls have been banned from the office years ago, but now all balls are no longer permitted.  I may have to file a complaint with Mom in the Dog Resources Department regarding this hostile work environment.  Clearly this is a form of verbal harassment!

Did Dad just say, “fetch?” He totally just said, “fetch!” Stupid prefetch….


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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