Recently we took a scenic stroll along the Shoreway Trail to Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse in South Portland, Maine. Located on the campus of Southern Maine Community College, this 1.6 miles dog friendly walk will take you along the waterfront, past Willard Beach, to sweeping views of Casco Bay, through what remains of historic Fort Preble, to Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse, through an active marina, where it connects with Bug Light Park.
Built in 1897 Spring Point Light has been aiding mariners for 125 years, and is the only caisson-style light station in the United States that visitors can walk to via a breakwater. However, although tempting to explore we caution dogs should NOT venture out on the breakwater due to the uneven surface. You can however, get lovely views of the lighthouse while enjoying refreshing sea breezes from the park.
Also located along the path is Fort Preble, which was built in 1808, manned during the War of 1812, and saw action during the Civil War at the Battle of Portland Harbor in 1863. Today you can see what remains of the fort on the campus of Southern Maine Community College. Also located along this trail is Old Settlers Cemetery, which is the final resting place of the earliest colonists to settle in this area in 1658.
The Shoreway Trail offers plenty of opportunities to cool off the paws, including Willard Beach. During the summer dogs are only permitted at Willard Beach 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM May 1 through September 30. Otherwise please keep on the path and off the beach. Also please note that as of today, June 28, 2022, the specifics of the leash rules on the beach have changed. For more details visit our Willard Beach review.
Dogs are allowed on-leash at Shoreway Trail in South Portland, and as always pick up after your pup. Parking is available at the Willard Beach lot on Willow Street and at Southern Maine Community College campus. Please be respectful of the students and staff when classes are in session.
To learn more about other trails in the area, including Bug Light Park and the Greenbelt Walkway, visit our Dog Friendly Places reviews.