Tag Archives: Neighborhood Patrol

Research into Kitchen Portal Teleportation

Dog Ufologist notebook research log entry for Wednesday, December 6, 2023. 5:26 AM: Set out for morning neighborhood patrol shift with Asa and Dad. Will return after sunrise to further investigate strange glowing 6 foot tall snowman in neighbor’s front yard. Suspicious no snow on ground, yet there is a snowman smiling at me. And […]

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Always Check Your Pockets

Humans are creatures of habit. Humans are also easily distracted. Combine the two, and things can get embarrassingly messy. Such was the case on a recent walk with Dad. Dad begins our daily morning walk by stuffing his pockets with poop bags. As we walk along, he tends to lose concentration on the task at […]

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The Case of the Chipmunk Garden Vandal

It all began while on a routine backyard patrol shift last week. I noticed a plant in our garden had been flattened. I incorrectly assumed it was due to the previous night’s heavy rain, and did not inspect it closer, nor did I file an official report with headquarters. However, a concerned citizen, Dad, later […]

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