That Time I Fell into a Wormhole

I can’t help but notice that my week with Grandma flew by much too quickly.  That’s when I realized I had forgotten to follow my own advice, and fell into a wormhole…again! It is the only logical explanation of why there simply wasn’t enough time to do all of my well thought out plans. For those who may have forgotten this revelation and need a reminder like I do, the following is my shocking photographic evidence from 2016…

“Aliens Abduct Summer” (August 31, 2016)

According to the Einstein-Rosen Bridge Theory, a wormhole is a topographical feature that is fundamentally a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime.  Based on that theory, I believe by using a wormhole, Extraterrestrials found a way to construct a tunnel to bypass our summer!  This picture taken in early July is proof that I ran through a wormhole tunnel straight into late August!  That totally explains why my summer was so short!

Rare photographic proof that I ran through a wormhole.

Mom even captured evidence of herself falling into a wormhole!  Surely Dad and Asa followed without realizing it.  After all Asa follows me everywhere, and Dad is always so distracted by gadgets that he could easily walk through an Alien tunnel without noticing it.  The wormhole theory also explains why some people claim the summer flew by, while others said they enjoyed every minute of it.  Clearly Extraterrestrials only denied some of us the joys of summer while extending it for others.

That was quick thinking of Mom to snap a photo when she fell into the wormhole.

I know this is a lot of shocking news to take in all at once.  No doubt you want to start scrolling through your own photos to see if you fell into a wormhole.  But before you go, I’d like to leave you with my final fighting words on the subject.  Aliens, you may have made my summer go by too quickly, but there is still plenty of excellent weather in the fall.  Mark my words, despite Labor Day Weekend being only a few days away I will continue to enjoy my summer plans before winter returns!

2019 Update: Thankfully this year I remembered my theory well before Labor Day Weekend, and will be vigilant so as not to run into a wormhole again and miss the remainder of summer.

Let this be a lesson to always be aware of your surroundings!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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