The Hottest Spot in Town

Are you looking for the hottest spot in town? Well look no further! Asa and I have you covered! Or actually have us covered, as the case may be. We each have a hot spot, and are being forced to wear these ridiculous cones when Mom and Dad can’t keep an eye on us. Not sure why we have to be humiliated in the cones, when it is their fault we have hot spots in the first place.

I blame Asa’s hot spot on Mom’s negligence. He had a knot under his ear that she somehow missed in her relentless brushing looking for ticks. Well it didn’t take long for that knot to get nasty trapping the dampness in it after a trip to the beach followed by a bath. Now it exploded into an itchy mess. At least on the bright side for Asa, he’s been dealing it for about a week now, and is well on his way to recovery. Well that is if he can resist scratching it a bit longer when the cone is off.

Me, on the other paw, I blame Dad for bringing my attention to a small scratch I received on the back of my leg. I vaguely remember when trying to catch the ball the other day, I braked too fast and went skidding across the beach. However, in my excitement of playing fetch I didn’t notice the scratch. Fast forward to Sunday evening, when just before bed Dad checked the wound and thus alerted me that it was there. I remained focus on that tiny scratch the entire night, and by the time they awoke the following morning my tiny scratch was a big hot spot. Why did Dad tell me it was even there in the first place? I was fine until that happened.

So here we sit. Humiliated. Uncomfortable. Itchy. And plotting our revenge! Well one of us is. Asa, as usual, is finding this whole situation funny.

Asa’s Rebuttal: Pay no attention to Chuck Billy’s complaining. We only have to wear our cones at night. He’s just not into dressing up and accessorizing like I am!

Asa, stop laughing. How will Mom and Dad sense our complete disappointment in them if you’re always smiling?


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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