Not to brag, but I will. Since 2012 I have been the winner of our Easter kibble hunt. Oh sure, there is an asterisk by 2014, because I was the only dog competing that year. Lemmy had just crossed Rainbow Bridge that Friday. But all the other years I have won…that is until last year. Asa won the 2022 kibble hunt.
However, I charged Asa with cheating using insider information. That is the only logical explanation as to why a great hunter such as myself lost to that goofball! It is no secret that Asa is friends with the Easter Bunny. In 2021 you may recall when out running errands Mom saw a flyer advertising photos with the Easter Bunny featuring Asa. And when he was a puppy, the newspaper featured a photo of Asa getting his photo with the bunny at the mall. Also although I never caught him, I’m pretty sure it is Asa who lets the Easter Bunny into our home to hide the kibble. There is also the question over whether Dad was keeping an accurate score last year. After all he can be easily distracted by his phone. However, it was impossible to do a recount because we eat the kibble as we find them.
I blame myself for letting my guard down. I didn’t give Asa enough credit that he was playing a long game to eventually set himself up for success. All those years he ran beside me cheering me on and ignoring the treats, he was in reality taking mental notes to learn my technique. In fact I got so accustomed to his cheering, that I blocked him out while I performed my meticulous grid search of the living room. Little did I realize he was lulling me into a false sense of security that he wasn’t a threat. I also wasn’t prepared for how effective his haphazard technique could be, that while I remained focused on my mission I didn’t notice Asa was stealing MY treats from their hiding places.
Well enough dwelling on the past! On Sunday I will be defending my record in a kibble hunt rematch! Alright I admit I am nervous because since his surgery, Asa has added a voracious appetite to his bag of tricks. But I won’t let his psychological games get into my head! I WILL regain my title! I WILL be the Easter kibble hunt champion!

*For those keeping track, please put an asterisk next to 2022. The verdict is still out on Asa’s cheating charges.