The Out of This World Truth to be Revealed, Maybe

The out of this world truth about UFOs is about to be revealed! Or at least some of the truth…maybe. In December 2020, the United States government enacted the Intelligence Authorization Act, which called for the release of an unclassified and all-sources report on unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), the official military term used for unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Included in the 5,500 pages of the much anticipated appropriations bill that dealt with economic issues from Covid-19 was the stipulation that the Director of National Intelligence work with the Secretary of Defense on a report detailing everything the government knows about unidentified flying objects. When the spending package was approved on December 27, 2020, that started a 180 day countdown to when this report must be presented. And that date is – June 1, 2021!

Alright, maybe the big reveal will be on that date…or maybe not. The provision isn’t exactly binding, and government agencies have missed similar deadlines in the past. However, there is also the chance that the report could be presented sooner than June 1st. Perhaps a sign that the report is imminent is in April 2021, the Defense Department confirmed that leaked photos and videos of unidentified aerial phenomena taken in 2019 are indeed legitimate images of unexplained objects. Some speculate that this “leak” along with similar images made public in 2019 is the government’s way of slowly getting the American public prepared for the big reveal of previously classified UFO information.

Or maybe not. When the office of Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was asked for comment on this UFO report by the Washington Post, a spokesperson for the office declined to comment, and only stated, “we have nothing to offer.” That doesn’t necessarily mean though that there isn’t a report. As Sarah Scoles, author of the book They Are Already Here, told Inverse, “A large portion of it is supposed to be unclassified, but that doesn’t mean necessarily that we will get to see it.” There is the concern that although we can’t identify some of these objects, other countries could be making secret technological advances and may know exactly what these UFOs are for their military purposes. There is also the sensitivity of the footage taken near military installations or during military operations.

So exactly what the government will feel comfortable releasing is still up for debate. Even as a renowned Dog Ufologist, I can only speculate what will be revealed in this report. It could be the government admitting there is something weird going on, and that they are monitoring it. To having an official statement that yes, indeed, we have been visited by aliens from another planet. I admit though that on June 1st the likelihood that the United States government is going to march an extraterrestrial out to a podium on the Rose Garden’s lawn to answer questions is highly improbable. But wouldn’t it be awesome if they did? Whatever this report contains, it is exciting that we’ve come a long ways since the Roswell Incident in 1947. If you would like to read the actual wording of this act, scroll down in the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 to the Advanced Aerial Threats heading.

Whatever happens on June 1st, I can guarantee this Dog Ufologist will continue to believe the truth is out there…and Asa will be ready to welcome any extraterrestrials with an out of this world party!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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