There’s a Hole in the Baggie, Dear Daddy

Well our Monday is off to a great start. Please note the sarcasm. On a good day, Dad bags up our poop, and puts them in a bigger bag to proudly carry with us on our walk. Unfortunately this morning there was a hole in the big bag, and being still half-asleep and coffee deprived, Dad didn’t notice one of the smaller bags fell out. Of course I tried to tell Dad, but he accused me of being “moody” and dragging behind.

It wasn’t until we were heading back from neighborhood patrol that Dad noticed the problem, leaving us no choice but to go back and retrieve it. The bad news is during that brief period, a morning commuter drove over one of the bags! The good news the bag remained intact. But it was very squished, leaving Dad in the awkward predicament of having to scrape it off the road…just as one of our neighbors was walking by with an expression of horror and amusement. Awkward!

Oh and in case you’re wondering what was Asa doing while all of this unfolded. He was singing a new song parody of course, to the children’s tune of “There’s a Hole in the Bucket.”

There’s a hole in the baggie, dear Daddy, dear Daddy,
There’s a hole in the baggie, dear Daddy, a hole.

Then get it, dear Asa, dear Asa, dear Asa,
Then get it, dear Asa, dear Asa, get it.

With what shall I scrape it, dear Daddy, dear Daddy?
With what shall I scrape it, dear Daddy, with what?

With a stick, dear Asa, dear Asa, dear Asa,
With a stick, dear Asa, dear Asa, with a stick.

The stick is too fragile, dear Daddy, dear Daddy,
The stick is too fragile, dear Daddy, not strong,

Use leaves, dear Asa, dear Asa, dear Asa,
Use leaves, dear Asa, dear Asa, use leaves.

In what shall I put it, dear Daddy, dear Daddy?
In what shall I put it, dear Daddy, in what?

In a baggie, dear Asa, dear Asa, dear Asa,
In a baggie, dear Asa, dear Asa, a baggie.

There’s a hole in the baggie, dear Daddy, dear Daddy,
There’s a hole in the baggie, dear Daddy, a hole.

Don’t blame me. We tried to warn you, Dad!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

1 comments on “There’s a Hole in the Baggie, Dear Daddy”

  1. Cathi Isza

    This is hilarious and sorry I get it! We carry a poop bag holder because of that too but it doesn’t avoid mom being absent minded and not replacing the bags when gone, and then there’s days when one falls off the holder and we gotta go back. Tell your dad we get it!
    Love, Max&Zoe

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