The sun was shining. The birds were singing. It was the perfect day for an adventure! In a rare moment of spontaneity, Mom and Dad decided their to-do list of chores could wait, and loaded us into the car to go have some fun.
However, when we arrived at our destination our adventure almost ended before it began. Mom and Dad forgot to bring our leashes! After a few tense moments of finger pointing, while I whimpered to be let out and Asa daydreamed about all the new friends he would meet, Mom remembered our go bag in the backseat! Sure enough tucked safely at the bottom of the backpack, under some expired dog treats that even I agreed should be tossed, were two extra leashes for just such an emergency! Funny how things work out, especially considering we just posted last week our advice on what to bring on a road trip.
Our first aid kit also came in useful on Saturday’s adventure. A child was running with the aptly named dog, Turbo, when she fell and got scraped up. Back to the car we went, not because Mom gets squeamish around blood, but to retrieve our first aid kit filled with some much needed bandages for the child.
So there you have it folks, two good examples of how that advice we occasionally give is actually worth following! Glad we were prepared so that we all could enjoy a grand day out. Well except for maybe that child with Turbo. Last we saw he was dragging her through the mud flats.