Dogs, it’s very exciting watching the footage from NASA’s Mars Rover, Perseverance; and the details in the photos of Jupiter sent back from the Juno mission are amazing. However, we must also keep an eye to the sky here at home! While we’re all focused on exploring other planets, there are UFOs that are just as interested in learning more about life on Earth. In fact, we may both be on the same mission.
Take for example this past Sunday, February 21, 2021 when an American Airlines flight over New Mexico got buzzed by a UFO! According to the 15 second audio clip, the pilots saw a “cylindrical object” fly over them. Now it is a known fact that the White Sands Missile Range is in that vicinity. However, according to Scott Stearns, the chief of public affairs at White Sands Missile Range, there wasn’t any testing on Sunday. Stearns cryptically concluded, “We have no idea what it could have been or if anything similar has been sighted in that area before.” As for American Airlines’ response, they sent out a press release stating, “Following a debrief with our Flight Crew and additional information received, we can confirm this radio transmission was from American Airlines Flight 2292 on Feb. 21. For any additional questions on this, we encourage you to reach out to the FBI.”
Ok, so a similar UFO sighting over Florida on February 9, 2021, did turn out to be a missile test, but what about this recent unexplained sighting? An entire fleet of UFOs were spotted over Gulf Breeze, Florida on Wednesday, February 17, 2021! The eyewitness claimed that the lights that appeared in the night sky were not produced by commercial airlines or military planes. According to this witness and avid skywatcher, “Normally commercial planes would fly over and eventually fade out. Military planes you can usually identify by the speed of the anti-collision light blinking.” These lights moved in a random pattern, as captured in this footage. Scott C. Waring, a UFO enthusiast and blogger, analyzed the footage. After ruling out “ball lightning,” he took a closer look at the image and confirmed, “It’s a solid metal object, square in shape, but moving very fast. So fast that its only seen when it kicks in a little extra boost of energy to shoot away.” Waring concluded, “Wow, this guy actually caught a whole UFO fleet of smaller ships shooting away from his location one by one. As I have said before, there is an Alien base off the Florida coast about 5-6km below the ocean floor.”
Did he say ocean floor? Well that brings me to the UFO incident in Hawaii on December 29, 2020, in which multiple witnesses saw a strange object crash into the ocean! There were so many emergency calls from witnesses the Honolulu police reported the UFO sightings to the Federal Aviation Administration. According to witnesses, the UFO had a glowing blue color, was oblong in shape, and after cruising across the sky for several miles crashed into the ocean. However, the FAA responded that there were no missing or overdue aircrafts reported in the area. Therefore, this sighting like the ones in New Mexico and Florida, remains a mystery.
Now as a Dog Ufologist, I can’t help but make an interesting connection here. On Thursday, February 18, 2021, NASA’s Perseverance landed in of all places, the Jezero crater, which is believed to be the site of an ancient lake and river delta. Its mission is to search for signs of life in microbial fossils formed during Mars’ moist past. Perhaps the UFO sightings here are on a similar mission to understand life on our planet?
Unidentified Flying Objects over planes, Alien bases under the ocean floor of Florida, strange glowing objects crashing into the ocean in Hawaii, perhaps extraterrestrials are experiencing something similar on their planets with us? After all we have the Juno Probe circling the atmosphere over Jupiter, Perseverance is drilling core samples on Mars, and that’s not the only Earth made object exploring that planet. 50 years ago NASA sent the Mariner 9 to explore Mars’ atmosphere, and has sent up many other crafts since then. So perhaps there are Aliens who are just as concerned as we are looking up at their skies at our UFOs? Maybe we’re all on the same mission to understand life of each other’s planets? Well this Dog Ufologist is definitely going to persevere by keeping a close watch over the skies over Maine!