Exciting News! Mom and Dad have reached the point where we can begin their off-leash training! Bad News! Once again their trainer is messing with our time honored commands that we’ve used to train them. He is replacing our recall command of “come” with “heel!”
Now I somewhat understand Mom and Dad’s trainer’s philosophy. He’s not eliminating “come” from our vocabulary like he did with our old release command of “ok.” Instead, he’s keeping “come” for extreme situations that no ifs, ands, or buts, we must come. For everyday situations, he wants Mom and Dad to say “heel.” I see his point in that when we hear the same word on a regular basis, we sometimes tune it out. So perhaps using “heel” for non-life-threatening situations, would be ok, and save “come” for more important circumstances.
After months of training, both Asa and I understand that “heel” means Mom and Dad need us next to them on their left side, to help guide them on a walk. Their trainer is now expanding that definition to mean wherever we are, we must come and assume that position next to them. Before with “come” as long as we were within arm’s reach, that was acceptable. Now we need to be in one specific spot at their side. Sounds easy, right? Well it isn’t. Our first attempts at learning this were a disaster. But that’s ok, apparently he expected that from us…oops, I mean Mom and Dad.
To train off-leash heel, we started with a seemingly simple exercise. I stood in one spot with the trainer, and a few feet away Dad, holding some very delicious cheese, called my name and said, “heel!” However, after months of being tricked by the trainer, I wouldn’t budge from his side. Oh sure I wanted that cheese, but I smelled a rat. Dad got closer and showed me the cheese. I licked my chops, but still stayed. So long story short, it took awhile for me to realize this wasn’t a trap, and all they were asking of me was to run over to Dad. But there was a catch! As I approached, Dad used the cheese to guide me to his left side, and made me sit before I could get that delicious reward. After a few more tries, I started to understand this new routine. But I definitely need a lot of practice. Dad better stock up on cheese.
Then it was Asa’s turn. As usual he took his own special approach. Did he run straight to Mom? Nope. Mom said, “heel,” and he took off like a rocket to where the bowl of all the cheese was sitting, and politely sat down in front of it. Why didn’t I think of that? Why go for just a bite of cheese when you could get the whole bowl? But as usual Mom and Dad’s trainer disagreed with our training philosophy. Back into position, Mom said the word again. This time Asa came running to Mom and almost tackled her. So he got that heel equaled come, but the whole gently guiding him to the left side to sit will take a lot of work. But hey, as long as there is cheese involved, he’s willing to try, try again to get it perfect. So although once again Mom and Dad foolishly think they are calling the shots, I ask you, who’s training who?