Dad’s Super Secret

Dogs, did your humans leave you home on Take Your Dog to Work Day?  Now before you go getting upset and tearing apart their favorite pillow, or start stress eating from the trash, or even change all your owner’s passwords from your name, there could be a very valid explanation.  Your owner may have left you at home because they have a top secret job as a Super Hero!

I should know because for years my Dad secretly worked as a Super Hero too!  Sure everyone knows he has a boring work from home job now, but there was a time when he left the house and couldn’t take me to work with him.  At first I was confused, but I slowly pieced together the evidence and came to this logical explanation.  Don’t believe me?  Here’s proof that my Dad’s previous job was as a Super Hero, and perhaps your human is a Super Hero too!

1. Obsessed with Gadgets: Super Heroes always have the coolest gadgets.  My Dad’s iPhone was practically an appendage, and when not using that his trusted tablet was within arm’s reach.  In fact his job was so important sometimes during meals he would look at his tablet more than his food!  He also constantly talked about the latest technology with his friends / Super Hero cohorts.  Dad even wore a special vest with a ton of pockets to carry all those gadgets to work with him!  Which I might add is way more practical than that belt Batman wears.

2. Wears a Costume: Super Heroes are known for their special outfits.  Whenever my Dad left the house for work he wore a costume too.  In addition to a vest, he donned a button up shirt and tie.  I never saw him wear those silly clothes on the weekends when he was out and about with me.  Therefore the only logical explanation is just like Clark Kent, Dad had to hide his identity when heading off to save the planet.

3. Stays Cool Under Pressure: Super Heroes never let the stress of the situation distract them from the task at hand.  Case in point, once Dad stepped in dog poop while taking me for a quick walk before leaving for work.  Did he immediately burn his shoes?  No!  He found the nearest garden hose, washed them off, and finished our outing with a quick round of fetch.  Well played Dad!  Well played!

4. Master of Self Defense: Super Heroes can disarm their opponents without causing unnecessary harm.  How else can you explain why Dad showed no bite marks on his hands and ankles during Asa’s teething stage?!  Mom was totally covered in teeth mark during that phase!

So there you have it folks.  Proof my Dad’s previous job was a Super Hero!  This may also be the logical explanation as to why your owner left you at home on Take Your Dog to Work Day.  So rather than get mad for staying home today, be proud of your humans and their special top secret jobs!

Ok, I admit as much as I love having Dad work from home with me now, it would have been nice if he included me on at least one of his Super Hero missions at his old job.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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