Gone Lobstering

While Asa was on his little adventure looking for pirate treasure, I embarked on a much more important quest during our recent vacation.  I was going to finally have lobster for dinner!  I’m not certain, but I think it is an unwritten residency rule that all Mainers must eat their weight in lobsters once a year.  Ok, I may have made up that rule, but either way I was determined that this vacation would finally be the time I taste that delicious Maine delicacy.

Everywhere I went on my vacation I was haunted by reminders of my quest.

Come on Mom, even the bears get lobsters around here!

First I tried to purchase my own twin lobster dinner.  But alas I fell victim to the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rule.

By the way, how do they know they are “twin lobsters” and not related some other way?

Fed up with being dependent on others for this Maine delicacy, I decided to take matters into my own paws and catch the lobster myself!  That afternoon I closely watched the lobstermen go about their work in our cove.

Genuine Maine lobstermen gathering their catch.

How hard could it be?  All I needed was a boat, bait, and something to catch the lobsters.  So I gathered all my supplies based on what I could find in our rental cottage.  They didn’t have a lobster boat, but I figured a kayak would work just as nicely.  As for bait, Asa can make friends with anyone.  I’m sure he could lure the lobsters into my trap.  However, finding an actual lobster trap proved a bit more difficult.  So I decided to improvise and use a fishing pole.  With Asa right there in the water, he could easily hook it on my lobster while distracting it with his goofy jokes.  Then I would simply reel in my dinner!

With a little creativity, I was all set to try my paw at lobstering.

Unfortunately I didn’t factor in one major aspect of “lobster fishing”…the tide.

Hurry up tide! I don’t have all day!

All right, I admit lobstering is a lot more difficult than it looks, and I may not have been prepared with the correct tools for the job.  However, I do know I’m ready with one crucial component to enjoy an authentic lobster dinner….

….I have lots of butter!

So for now my quest to taste lobster continues…  Thank you to all the hardworking Maine lobstermen who are up at the crack of dawn and go out in all sorts of weather to catch this delicious treat.  I may not have tasted this Maine delicacy yet, but Mom and Dad look forward to it for special occasions.  Maybe someday they’ll finally share it with me.

In case you were wondering, no real or imposter lobsters were harmed in the making of this epic adventure.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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