Unneighborly New Neighbors

A Skunk, a Porcupine, and a Bear walked into my yard one day.  I wish this was the start of one of Asa’s bad jokes, but sadly it isn’t!  We were only gone for a week, but during that time some rather unsavory neighbors moved in too close to home.

Thankfully we haven’t been formally introduced to Mr. Skunk. However, he has made his presence known with his robust cologne.  At dusk and dawn we can smell him hanging out in our yard.  In fact on Saturday Asa and I just missed meeting him!  Mom returned from walking me, and then headed out with Asa.  In the few minutes between unleashing me, and leashing him, Mr. Skunk sprayed his cologne right in the area where I had stopped to do my business only moments earlier!  I guess I can’t blame him for calling our yard home.  After all, Skunks are known connoisseurs of Honey Bees.  So no wonder he wants to live here.  But does he have to make such a stink about it!

We first saw Mr. Porcupine waddle down from his tree the evening we arrived home from our vacation.  Since then, just like clockwork, at dusk he waddles out and begins eating the clover and wild flowers we grow for my Honey Bees.  Luckily for us, Mr. Porcupine is a creature of habit who seems to keep to a schedule, and more importantly to his side of the fence.  So as long as he doesn’t test the theory that the clover is always tastier on the other side of the fence, hopefully Asa and I are safe from his prickly personality.  However, to be on the “safe side,” Mom is keeping us leashed when we go out.  Asa likes to make friends with everyone, and doesn’t discriminate over quills.

Introducing Mr. Porcupine, or “Spike,” as Asa has nicknamed him.

Now Mr. Bear has been a low-key resident in our neighborhood for many years.  He has been known to partake of our neighbor Inky’s wild blueberries without so much as a thank you.  But up until recently he always stayed on the opposite side of the street, and never crossed over to our side.  However, while out on neighborhood patrol two neighbors each stopped to warn us about the Bear being seen near our yard.  In fact he was in our next-door neighbor’s yard!  Why did the Bear cross the road?  We may never know.  However, I have a couple theories.  It’s quite possible, he, too, has been drawn to our yard to eat our Honey Bees.  Winter is coming, and Mr. Bear is no doubt on a feeding frenzy before settling in for a long winter nap.  Thankfully there are no signs of him visiting our tiny apiary, but Dad has made sure our electric fence is on to protect my Bees.  Personally, I think the poor Bear is upset that his quiet corner of the woods is being cut down to build a new home, and he’s just looking to relocate until things quiet down again.  Paws crossed he finds a safe place to live…away from us.

The Skunk, Porcupine, and Bear aren’t the only critters to move in during our absence.  Asa found a ginormous Spider hanging out in our garden.  Being Asa, he’s named the Spider “Lightning” because if you look closely at the attached photo, the web above him somewhat looks like a lightning bolt.  Mom really dislikes siders, so has forbid Dad from picking the last few veggies of the season.  I think she envisions Dad trapped in his web.  I have to agree with Mom on this one!

This ginormous Spider is scarier than the Bear.  We may need to torch the garden and move!

I discovered a couple of squatters who took up residence under an old wooden barrel that we use as a table on our porch.  These two Mice thought they could use a hole in the barrel to climb in and build a nest that’s sheltered for the winter.  But my nose alerted me to their whereabouts.  Mom felt bad that Dad evicted them from their happy home.  However, we had to do it in case they got any ideas about moving from the porch and into our house!  Not to point paws, but I’m also rather suspicious that Asa invited these two to live there.  Look closely at their nest.  You can clearly see Asa’s fur and fuzz from one of his tennis balls were used to make it!

I’m all in favor of environmentally friendly housing, but not when it’s on my porch!

Now if you’ll please excuse me.  I need to resume my neighborhood patrol before any more questionable critters move into MY neighborhood!

Well at least on the bright side, Asa didn’t invite them to live inside of our house while we were on vacation!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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