Hidden Under My Nose

I, Chuck Billy, renowned Dog Ufologist, may have just made the most earth shattering discovery to date! On the surface my backyard looks like any other. Little did I realize Aliens had built a secret bunker right under my nose! Even more troubling, Dad appears to not only know about it, he’s helping them!

It all began when Dad started digging in our box garden. Despite being excellent diggers, Asa and myself were told we must stay inside and not help. Odd, I thought. But I foolishly dismissed it as Dad simply not wanting to share the fun of digging a hole with us. Yet afterwards when I was allowed outside, I was shocked to see he uncovered the entrance to a secret bunker under the garden!

The entrance appears to be made of concrete and circular. Perfect for a flying saucer to enter! It’s not big enough for a human to fit, but I’m sure a dog would have no problem.

How did Dad know this was hidden there?

Before I could investigate further, I was rushed back inside by Dad because a mysterious truck appeared. Rather than park in our driveway, this truck with an odd tank drove into our backyard!

That’s not a normal delivery truck!

After a brief conversation with Dad, the mysterious truck driver went to work putting a hose into the underground bunker. Soon my nose was greeted by the most pungent scents I have ever smelled!

Hours after the truck left, Asa was still intoxicated by the foul fumes.

I’ve never experienced anything like this before in all my research as a Dog Ufologist, but I have three theories. 1. He was pumping some weird extraterrestrial substance in to feed the Aliens. 2. He was removing the extraterrestrials to transport them to their underground headquarters at Dulce, New Mexico. Or 3. Perhaps the Alien conspiracy theorists were wrong, and the top secret subterranean Alien facility isn’t located under the Archuleta Mesa near the town of Dulce, New Mexico. Perhaps it is located here in my backyard!

I can’t say anything more. I’m being watched. But rest assured I will get to the bottom of this mystery!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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