When you’re a celebrity such as Asa and myself, we’re often noticed when we go places. Take for example our recent visit to Bug Light Park, when members of a bike tour shouted compliments as they pedaled past us relaxing at the park. They said everything from a cheery, “aren’t they cute!” to the leader saying we were the “best behaved dogs there,” and a couple members even took a detour to stop and pet us real quick before rejoining the group. However, at home Asa and I aren’t always given the respect we deserve. Occasionally when bike groups pedal past our home, they do not shout compliments. Instead what they yell is quite the opposite, even when Asa and myself just quietly sit there and watch. But rather than rehashing my work, I’m going to share with you the tale of when it first happened to me in 2017.
Dog! Dog! Dog! (June 2017)
I got barked at…by Humans! No seriously, they barked at me like I was a Squirrel! I was enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon on my front lawn, while Mom searched the garden to see if any of the critters left her a strawberry or two. That’s when I heard in the distance someone yell, “Pothole!” followed by it being repeated by several more people. This odd chant was then followed by “Car!” Intrigued, I rolled over and faced the road. That’s when in the distance I saw their neon yellow outfits. Pedaling up the street was a bike team of about a dozen or more people.
It soon became obvious that the leader of their pack was warning the others about obstacles in the road. As the pack leader for my family, I found this shouting to be quite admirable. I’m always barking warnings to Mom and Dad. Maybe I should train them like this team to repeat my alerts? As they approached with another rousing cheer of “Pothole!” I decided I would help. I started barking to warn them that there was roadkill up ahead. Unfortunately though I forgot that most Humans are not fluent in barking, and my offer to help backfired. They started yelling, “Dog! Dog! Dog!” while pointing in my general direction! Even Mom was confused by this response, and looked over to make sure I was still sitting next to her in the yard.
How rude! Why would these Humans treat me like a threat? That’s how you act toward a nefarious Squirrel or a menacing Cat, not a Dog! I’d never yell, “Human! Human! Human!” Besides, everyone knows it’s not polite to point! Worst yet, they were so focused on me that the leader forgot to warn them about the roadkill, and those in the back of the pack had to swerve to avoid it. That’s the last time I help that bike team!