I Demand a Rematch!

I demand a rematch! Our kibble hunt on Sunday was clearly rigged. Every year the Easter Bunny breaks into my home and hides my kibble in the living room. I have made it very clear that I do not like the rabbit hiding my food, much less touching it. Yet he still manages to slip past me to trick me every year.

Regardless, with my Golden Wolf instincts I hunt down each piece of kibble to eat, while Asa usually follows behind marveling at my hunting skills, and cheering me on to victory. In fact, I’ve won the kibble hunt every year since I was a puppy. Even when competing as an 11 week old puppy against Lemmy, I won. But not this year! Asa somehow managed to win the kibble hunt! Dad kept track, and according to his scoring Asa found a total of 5 treats, while I only got 3.

Clearly Asa got some insider information. That is the only logical explanation as to why a great hunter such as myself lost to that goofball! It is no secret that Asa is friends with the Easter Bunny. Last year you may recall when out shopping Mom saw a flyer advertising photos with the Easter Bunny featuring Asa. And when he was a puppy, the newspaper featured a photo of Asa getting his photo with the bunny at the mall. Also although I never caught him, I’m pretty sure it is Asa who lets the Easter Bunny into our home to hide the kibble.

Therefore, I demand a rematch, at a time of my choosing, where I can oversee the hiding of the kibble so I can be assured there is no funny bunny business!

For anyone keeping track, please put an asterisk next to 2022 until I get my rematch!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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