For years now I have been searching for the portal in my kitchen. I have undeniable proof that it exists, as evident in the mysterious disappearance and reappearance of objects in that room. However, I could not locate the portal itself. That is until this weekend! I have found the portal in my kitchen to another dimension!
Saturday began like any other day. Asa and I were upstairs supervising Mom catching up with our correspondence. We then headed downstairs to see what project Dad was working on this weekend. That’s when we stopped in our tracks! Before us where the kitchen door to the garage should be was a vast black hole! But not like a typical black hole of empty space. This had substance to it. I bravely leaned forward with Asa by my side to investigate. It smelled of dirt and chemicals.

But where did it lead? Knowing this was far too dangerous for me to investigate first, after all I am a renowned Dog Ufologist and the world needs my vast knowledge, I convinced Asa to go through it.

Cautiously Asa peered out, before making his brave journey through the kitchen portal!

At first I was worried. What if Asa doesn’t return? Mom and Dad would be really mad at me for sending him in there. But it had to be done for science! Great discoveries aren’t made by playing it safe! As I waited for what seemed like an eternity for Asa to return, I began working on my press release in my mind.

When Asa did return he mysteriously had a white substance on his fur. Was this star dust? Extraterrestrial ectoplasm? Asa claimed it was only paint, but what does he know! He did know the kitchen portal connected to our backyard. This finding agrees with my earlier research this year that a portal or wormhole connects our kitchen to the yard! That’s when I knew if I were to really understand this phenomenon, I must go through it myself! Holding my breath, I hurled myself into the portal…and found myself standing in the garage!

And sure enough, just like Asa predicted, the normally closed door to the backyard was opened!

My Kitchen Portal Theory is correct!!!!! However, I do admit I was worried about reentry, so made Asa go ahead of me for the return trip into the kitchen. One mustn’t be too careful in such situations. After all, I am a renowned Dog Ufologist!

Since this weekend, the portal has closed again, and the door has returned. But for one brief day, I saw it existed, and that’s all the scientific proof I need!