Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
I’m learning to walk again…this time wearing goggles! My training continues with my new Rex Specs. My ophthalmologist told me it is important to protect my good eye, especially when playing and on hiking adventures. He did say that it probably wasn’t necessary to wear them while I’m on neighborhood patrol. However, I need the […]
The eye specialist warned us that Asa’s personality may change after losing his eye. I did not realize that meant for the better. He’s finally helping me with my most important duty – reminding Mom it is dinnertime! In the past Asa was very irresponsible, and would leave the work all up to me, while […]
Now that Asa is down to one eye, his ophthalmologist said it is really important to protect that eye, not just from GRPU but from injury while playing. Dr. Nick recommended Rex Specs goggles. Thankfully, Asa loves dressing up, so he isn’t opposed to goggles, but they do take some getting use to wearing. After […]
Wow, first day back in the office after medical leave, and Asa is making a power play to take over my corner office! Everyone knows I’m Dad’s direct supervisor! Well he may be sure of himself now, but it is going to take more than an air of confidence and a dirty sock to do […]
ASA! TURN DOWN THAT MUSIC! I can’t hear myself think to write today’s post! Asa: WHAT?! I can’t hear you. I’m celebrating Jon Bon Jovi’s birthday today! Did you know that 2023 marks the 40th anniversary of Bon Jovi? Today should be a holiday! Chuck Billy: Why don’t you follow Jon’s lead and take your […]
Understandably, after having his eye surgically removed due to GRPU, Asa went through the stages of grief. He dealt with the angry phase as only he knew how, by writing a song about it. The following isn’t one of Asa’s usual lighthearted hairband metal parodies. Instead he used a song by thrash metal band, Overkill. […]
Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis (GRPU) is an inflammatory eye disease found in that breed and dogs crossed with Golden Retrievers. The disease tends to appears in dogs around 8 to 8.5 years old, but has been diagnosed in Goldens from as young as 4 to as old as 14. Also known as pigmentary uveitis, it […]
I’m cone free!!!! My ophthalmologist gave me the ok to resume regular activity. He also explained the results of my pathology report to Mom and Dad. They are still processing all the information, and will share a more in-depth explanation on how my Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis led to having my left eye removed due […]
Alright, now that things are slowly going back to normal here with Asa, I admit I had my doubts that would happen so may have come up with a backup plan. But do you blame me? Routine is very important to me, especially my daily walks. With things veering off schedule, I knew I needed […]
There is some debate as to whether it was the eye specialist, the emergency surgeon, or the discharge vet tech, but somewhere along the way we were told to keep Asa’s routine as close to normal as possible, and he’ll adjust well to his new life with one eye. So while Mom and Dad worry […]