Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Asa is parodying yet another Christmas song. Today’s inspiration comes from an unfortunate incident with a gift I received last Christmas. In fact, he is singing it to the tune of Wham’s “Last Christmas.” Personally, I think Asa is making much ado about nothing. The bear in question did survive…sort of! Last Christmas Santa gave […]
On Saturday following a sunrise service at West Quoddy Head Light, a convoy left a quiet corner of Downeast Maine headed to Arlington National Cemetery on an important mission to deliver tens of thousands of handmade wreaths to remember our fallen Veterans, honor those who serve, and teach the children the value of freedom. Every December since 1992, the Worcester Wreath […]
Dear Santa, It’s me, Chuck Billy. WAIT! Before you move on to your next letter, hear me out. I know we’ve had our differences in the past. I’m sorry I stole your hat once…ok, twice. But isn’t it time to let bygones be bygones? Besides, this request isn’t a gift for me. It is to […]
Mom and Asa have been very busy festooning every inch of this house with some sort of Christmas decoration. It is funny how each of us react to decorating differently. Take my brother angel Lemmy for example. He detested change, and was always upset this time of year. Lemmy would pace around the house growling, […]
Dogs, put on your favorite ugly Christmas sweater, tie on a festive bandana, or dust off your Santa suit, because the annual Christmas Prelude Pooch Parade in Kennebunkport, Maine is happening this Sunday, December 11, 2022! Pups will gather at 10:45 AM at the Consolidated School (25 School Street, Kennebunkport, ME), and will step off […]
Asa here. I’ve always felt bad for the Abominable Snowman in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Did anyone ever take the time to talk to him? Maybe he didn’t mean to be big and scary? Perhaps like some dogs, he was just unsocialized and wanted a hug? Regardless, that holiday special has given Yetis a […]
If you’re looking for that jaw dropping gift, this is NOT the post for you. Instead this is about small acts of kindness that may not seem like much, but can truly make the Holidays special. Last week I shared ideas on giving of your time and talents to help nonprofits. Today I’m sharing ideas […]
Asa here. I’m working on writing my letter to Santa. This year rather than write a traditional note, I thought I’d put my thoughts to musical notes by writing him a song. Santa must get bored reading the same type of letters each year. But what tune to parody? There’s the Spice Girls’ “Wannabe.” If […]
We have good news and bad news with Asa’s journey with Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis (GRPU). The good news is the steroid eyedrops are doing their job to keep the disease from progressing in his eyes. The bad news is the steroid eyedrops are not intended for longterm use, and Asa is now starting to […]
Get into the Holiday spirit this weekend at the Adopt A Tree Festival to support Lucky Pup Rescue! This is one of our favorite events, and each year it gets bigger and better than ever. In fact, this year it has moved to a NEW location, the Dunlap Masonic Lodge in Biddeford, Maine (264 Pool […]