Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Well this is embarrassing. I accidentally locked myself in the living room last night while investigating a disturbance in my neighborhood. It all happened around 3:00 AM, when our local Vixen got in another fight with her mate. If you’ve never heard a female fox screaming in the night, it can be quite jarring, especially […]
Get your motor running, and head on out to the American Legion Riders Chapter 2 Poker Run to benefit Hero Pups and RuckUp! Registration begins at 9:00 AM this Saturday, May 22, 2021, starting at Sweeney Post #2, 251 Maple Street, in Manchester, NH. This event is a self-paced Poker Run, open to all bikes […]
Thank you for attending today’s press conference at such short notice. My name is Detective Chuck Billy, and I am the lead investigator, with me is my unwitting assistant, Asa. Where did he go? Oh never mind, I’m sure he’ll turn up. Today I am pleased to announce that not only did I successfully solve […]
This evening yet another town council is having a meeting to discuss tighter restrictions on dogs at their beach. In the past few years, we have seen places we once enjoyed ban dogs entirely, or enact highly restrictive rules, and yet we understand why towns feel they have no other choice but to do it. […]
My Honey Bees are back! After taking last summer off due to colony collapse, I am happy to announce I am once again a beekeeper! In anticipation for their grand arrival, Dad cleaned out my Chuck BEEly Hive to welcome them to Maine. As with my previous colonies, these Honey Bees are from an apiary […]
AC/DC once sang, “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna to rock ‘n roll.” I’m starting to realize just how correct they are as I continue to follow my dream to start a band. At the last headcount I have approximately 80 dogs and a few cats excited to be my backup […]
The traditional New England Golden Jubilee celebration is still on pause. However, there will be an informal Golden Retriever gathering this Saturday, May 15, 2021 at Dog Mountain. Although there will be no planned program, no fundraising auction or cookout, there will be tail wags as you greet old friends and make new ones at […]
Dear Readers, because Mom took a personal day off yesterday without asking my permission first, I do not have a post to share with you today. Clearly Mom neglected to read the section in her Training Manual, which I wrote, regarding unexcused absences. Had she been following my guidelines she would have known that before […]
Acadia National Park is great dog friendly place to explore. However, with more than 3.5 million visitors each year, some spots can get more crowded than others. To alleviate some of the parking congestion, in addition to purchasing a pass to enter the park, if you’re planning to visit Cadillac Mountain you will also have […]
Is your lawn looking a bit ruff this spring? Before you attempt the backbreaking work of rototilling, let us tear up, oops I mean, aerate your yard! No expensive equipment needed. No arduous work required. In fact, we’ll make it a pleasant afternoon. You just throw our ball repeatedly, and Asa and I will happily […]