Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Asa here. As the countdown to getting my stitches out on Monday continues, I’d like to dedicate this parody of Europe’s “The Final Countdown” to my brother, Chuck Billy. For the past two weeks, I’ve been getting more attention than usual from Mom and Dad, which has made Chuck Billy rather jealous. Ok, very jealous. […]
Dogs, gather round. We need to have an important talk on this Earth Day. It seems not everyone is getting the message on the importance of picking up the poop! According to multiple surveys, only 60 percent of dog owners clean up after their pets. 60 percent may seem like a good start, but it […]
While I recuperate from my surgery, I’ve passed the time looking out my front window. Just like Jimmy Stewart’s character in Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window, I’ve been watching the neighbors and getting to know them better. Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel have been feeling frisky lately and chase each other around the yard all day. The […]
It’s been over a week since Asa was abducted by a UFO while visiting Dr. Doug at the animal hospital. It had all the telltale signs of an Alien abduction – Asa was missing for hours and returned home with obvious signs that a medical procedure was conducted on him. So today, I, Chuck Billy […]
“Listen, my children, and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” Alright, you won’t exactly be reading about the famous midnight ride of Paul Revere with us today. Instead follow us on a midday walk in the footsteps of the Minute Men and British Soldiers, who on April 19, 1775 engaged in […]
Seven years ago, on April 18, 2014, our brother, Lemmy, crossed Rainbow Bridge, at the age of 7 years old. Before he joined our family, Mom and Dad spent 7 years planning for Lemmy. So today we are reflecting on 7 years of preparation, 7 years of love, and 7 years of reflection. Longtime Coming: […]
Last week I shared how I surprised even myself by remembering my old nose work training, in “My Nose Still Knows.” Well a few dogs asked about my training and certification. So today I thought I’d share this post from 2016 where I explained my road to becoming a champion! Ok, I admit now that […]
It’s no secret that Mom comes from a long line of nervous cleaners. When Grandma is worried about something, she cleans the house, just like Great Nana did, and Great Great Nana before her. So needless to say with Asa’s surgery this week, Mom has been on a cleaning frenzy. There’s no stopping her from […]
Thank you for all of your outpouring of love and positive energy for my surgery yesterday! It was truly humbling to know that you all were keeping Dr. Doug, my family, and me in your thoughts and prayers. Thank You! The surgery went great and I’m home now! I had a peaceful night’s sleep, and […]
Hello! It’s me, Asa. I’m hoping you could do a favor for me today, and keep an eye on Chuck Billy, Mom and Dad? I’ll be spending the day with my friend, Dr. Doug. I don’t often spend the day away from my family, in fact I can’t remember the last time I did. But […]