Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Mom and Dad were bored this weekend, and now Asa and I are paying the consequences for their tomfoolery! They like to play this game every once in awhile where they will talk about the silliest things to see what ads will appear in their social media newsfeeds. Sure enough the bots were listening and […]
My recent surgery really got me thinking. It is time for me to start taking my career as a rock star serious. Sure I’ve written quite a few songs, but I really need to get a band together and start rehearsing. I know it is good to have a high decree of confidence in my […]
Mars has MOXIE! No, not the bitter beverage beloved by Mainers. I’m talking about the the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, affectionately called MOXIE by it’s principal investigator, Michael Hecht of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Haystack Observatory. This toaster size piece of equipment is part of the Perseverance Rover which began conducting experiments […]
About a month ago someone new moved into our neighborhood. No big deal, right? We have neighbors come and go all the time. Besides, this one seemed like a quiet fellow. Not like those nosy owls who are always asking “who?” every time I leave the house. Or the coyotes who are up all night […]
In honor of the Oscars, we would like to share with you again our post about the first dog to achieve fame in the movies. Long before Air Bud, Lassie, and even Toto and Rin Tin Tin, there was Jean, the Vitagraph Dog! Jean, a Collie from Eastport, Maine, was the first dog to have […]
If you’re looking at this because you’re interested in reading a bedtime story, well this isn’t the post for you. But if you want to read stories about bedtime with Asa, then grab a snack and get comfortable because I have tales to tell! For the past two weeks Mom and Dad have been keeping […]
Asa here. As the countdown to getting my stitches out on Monday continues, I’d like to dedicate this parody of Europe’s “The Final Countdown” to my brother, Chuck Billy. For the past two weeks, I’ve been getting more attention than usual from Mom and Dad, which has made Chuck Billy rather jealous. Ok, very jealous. […]
Dogs, gather round. We need to have an important talk on this Earth Day. It seems not everyone is getting the message on the importance of picking up the poop! According to multiple surveys, only 60 percent of dog owners clean up after their pets. 60 percent may seem like a good start, but it […]
While I recuperate from my surgery, I’ve passed the time looking out my front window. Just like Jimmy Stewart’s character in Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window, I’ve been watching the neighbors and getting to know them better. Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel have been feeling frisky lately and chase each other around the yard all day. The […]
It’s been over a week since Asa was abducted by a UFO while visiting Dr. Doug at the animal hospital. It had all the telltale signs of an Alien abduction – Asa was missing for hours and returned home with obvious signs that a medical procedure was conducted on him. So today, I, Chuck Billy […]