Tag Archives: Problem Solving

Our Cacophony of Chirp, Bark, Howl

They say adversity brings people together.  Apparently the same holds true for Dogs and Coyotes.  Last night started like any other, but then it happened.  An infernal smoke detector began chirping indicating a battery needed to be changed!  With my ears perked up I sat motionless in the dark, holding my breath, waiting for the […]

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Keeping it Positive while in the Negative

Mother Nature, I don’t like your negative attitude.  Well actually it is your negative wind chills I don’t like.  Anyways, you can’t bring me down!  I’ve decided to stay positive about the recent bone chilling temperatures and the foot of snow on the way tomorrow.  In short, I’m keeping it positive while in the negative! […]

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My Brother’s a Genius…Sometimes

My brother is a genius…sometimes.  Yesterday was not one of those days.  It’s been bitter cold here the past few days, so going outside to play hasn’t been an option.  Not to mention our backyard has turned into an ice rink.  So unless we learn how to skate, fetch just isn’t a good idea.  However […]

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One-Sided Conversations

Way to go science ruining the good deal dogs had going!  I have to admit I’m insulted by the recent study that revealed dogs understand language.  Of course we understand language!  One swipe through social media would have saved these researchers’ time because they would have seen that dogs comment daily on the actions of […]

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